April 28, 2010

Remember that black van that was reported as being involved in at least two burglaries in which burglars drove up to a house, kicked open a door and quickly made off with tons of items? Well, it was found and inside were tons of personal belongings believed to have been stolen during area burglaries. (By

April 28, 2010

Have you seen the mosaic whale eye in the photo? It was stolen last week from the Magnuson Park Children’s Garden. And it was no idle theft. It apparently was a planned, organized crime given that the thieves had to dig deep and cut out the 18 inch by 30 inch art piece, which is

April 26, 2010

A homeowner called Seattle Police last Thursday (4/22) around 4:30pm after someone stole antique jewelry from her house.

April 23, 2010

Seattlecrime.com is reporting a disturbing story with a surprise ending involving two teenage girls who robbed a woman of her engagement ring near Meadowbrook Community Center. The incident occurred April 18 at 7:30 a.m. on the trail that runs between Meadowbrook and Nathan Hale High School. The woman was approached by the teenage girls who

April 23, 2010

Thanks to Mai Ling at our partner site Maple Leaf Life for this story about this worthwhile event: Giving back to those in need may not be about having a good time, but it sure doesn’t hurt. North Helpline is joining the long list of food banks nationwide organizing an Empty Bowls event, which aims