April 19, 2010

Come to the View Ridge Community Council meeting tomorrow (Tuesday, April 20) to give your ideas on how to help ensure that all Seattle children receive a rich and well-rounded education (both in and out of the classroom) and that they are well-prepared to be responsible citizens. Everyone is invited to this “community caucus,” which

April 17, 2010

TRUE / FALSE: Crows are known to drop hard-shell nuts onto a street and wait for passing cars to drive over them to crack them open so they then can have a quick snack? See answer below. If the answer is second-nature to you, you might want to head over to Fiddler’s Inn on Tuesday,

April 16, 2010

Details are sketchy but reports are circulating in View Ridge this afternoon that a burglary attempt was foiled — and an alert neighbor grabbed a license plate number. A black vehicle — the same one used in a pull up, load up and drive off last week? — pulled into the driveway of a house

April 14, 2010

Thanks to Mai Ling at our partner site Maple Leaf Life: Whether you

April 14, 2010

The state legislature just passed several tax increases and now federal income taxes are due. You look like you could use a free taco. Get that and more with a few freebies designed to ease your Tax Day pain: Free taco from Taco del Mar: The Roosevelt location is at 1033 65th Ave; (206) 729-0670.