Join the Lake City community to celebrate the opening of the Lake City Skatespot at Virgil Flaim Park on Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The official ribbon cutting ceremony starts at 11 a.m. followed by beginner skateboard lessons from Skate Like a Girl, a 12 and under skate demo, giveaways, DIY deck project, music and refreshments. Virgil Flaim Park, 2700 NE 123rd St, is the largest, most centrally-located park in the Lake City community, and it is used extensively by families for recreation, outdoor dining, and community gatherings.
The Lake City Skatespot project was community-initiated and includes a skatespot with colored concrete, a relocated and resurfaced the basketball court and other improvements at the park. A skatespot is smaller than a full skatepark but large enough to incorporate multiple skateboarding features. The community’s desire for a skatepark in Lake City was first documented in the North Neighborhood Plan (1999) and then in the Seattle Parks and Recreation’s 2007 Citywide Skatepark Plan. Cascade Design Collaborative in collaboration with Grindline Skateparks worked with the community on the design and improvements at the park.
For more information about the event please contact Karen O’Connor, Seattle Parks and Recreation at 206-233-7929 or karen.o’