November 11, 2010

It’s the question that always spurs heated conversation. Is graffiti vandalism or art? A recent survey showed Seattle residents are almost evenly divided on the issue. Now, there’s a push to start a photo database to track graffiti and amend the city’s municipal code to include stickers. With the help of the nonprofit Common Language

November 9, 2010

When Seattle Public Schools released a new ranking of all schools in the district this morning, 3 of the top 12 ended up being right here in the neighborhood.

November 6, 2010


November 2, 2010

Ever wonder why SDOT plows some streets during a snow storm and not others? Each year, the city releases a map detailing which streets will get top priority (achieve bare and wet pavement on all lanes), mid priority (achieve bare and wet pavement on one lane in each direction), and low priority (curves, hills and

October 29, 2010

Wondering which of your neighbors will be giving out candy this Halloween?