June 14, 2010

Both of our community’s wading pools are taking a hit in

June 11, 2010

The Spooner Farms booth is up and if you look closely at the white board to the right, you can see that the sign says, “Soon.” It’s just one word but evokes a lot of response around here, namely that maybe summer truly is about to arrive. Oh and the berries — which likely will

June 11, 2010

We’ll soon know the fate of the View Ridge

June 10, 2010

Just checked in with Spooner Farms this a.m. and according to their information line the berries are indeed returning to the small stand at Hunter Farm on 35th Avenue NE, just north of the Post Office. The season will begin, as always, with strawberries. Expect them in five to 10 days (they said they’ll post

June 8, 2010

Fresh, a specialty boutique on 35th Avenue NE, was robbed at gunpoint today at about 2:45 p.m., according to owner Wendy Schwartz. A white male, described as about 20 years old with acne and/or possible skin sores, with a light gray sweatshirt, entered the store and told the young female clerk to give him all