April 8, 2010

Skateboarders at the increasingly popular Dahl Skatespot will have to take a short break beginning Monday (April 12) so drainage and site restoration work can be completed. The Skatespot, which opened in January, will close for nine days total, re-opening Friday, April 23. Work at the newest addition to Dahl Field could not be finished

April 8, 2010

You might have heard about the Wedgwood Vision Project, a year-long community effort focused on creating a collective neighborhood vision. Its first meeting, on a rainy night in January, drew a lively crowd of nearly 70 people who batted about a wide range of topics including commercial development, parks, walkability, traffic, crime, safety and pretty

April 8, 2010

Has anyone noticed an increase in backyard chickens lately? Recent walks in View Ridge and Wedgwood have resulted in several sightings, which led the Wedgwood View to investigate the topic. Sure enough, the practice of raising egg-producing chickens is on the rise. It’s legal to raise three chickens on most standard-sized lots within Seattle city

April 6, 2010

It was a game show, a rock concert, a pep talk, a school rally. And in the end it was the energetic and irreverent Lt. Gov. Brad Owen urging Wedgwood Elementary School students to be accepting of each other, find activities they love and celebrate our country for all of its diversity. Billed as an

April 6, 2010

Parks, a hot topic in the area with Wedgwood trying to get a new one, will be the topic of two meetings with Seattle Parks and Rec this week. Tonight (April 6), the public is invited to discuss the planned improvements to Field #1 at Meadowbrook Playfield. The meeting is from 7-8:30 p.m. at the