April 3, 2010

I guess you could call it getting “mudded out.” Seattle Parks and Recreation has closed all of its grass athletic fields today, which means that the North Seattle Baseball Association opening day jamboree (see below) at Lower Summit has been postponed. Bummer. In addition, all other games and practices on grass fields are canceled but

April 1, 2010

We have a pattern: 3 home break-ins (while residents were inside) and now 2 car break-ins — all 5 crimes within a quarter-mile of each other in a rectangular area between NE 65th Street and NE 70th Street and between 47th Avenue NE and 49th Avenue NE, according to Block Watch alerts sent out over

April 1, 2010

You can tell it’s spring when the calendar starts filling up with great weekend activities. Here’s a quick roundup: FREE EASTER EGG HUNTS Wedgwood QFC, Saturday, 9 a.m., for kids age 2-10. Fun and prizes. Meadowbrook Spring Egg Hunt on the Nathan Hale track (10750 30th Ave. NE). Saturday, 10 a.m., ages 1-11. Ravenna Spring

April 1, 2010

Getting to Golden Gardens on the Burke Gilman Trail takes you through the dangerous, unfinished stretch which runs through Ballard — called the “missing link” — which has long been a hot-button issue with bicyclists, drivers and businesses in the area. King County Superior Court Judge Jim Rogers is expected to issue his opinion Friday

April 1, 2010

Since a new owner took over three years ago, Wedgwood’s quaint and stylish Van Gogh Coffeehouse has steadily been building a positive neighborhood buzz. The panini sandwiches are getting a great reputation as are the breakfast sandwiches. So it was not a surprise to see a note taped to the counter announcing that the cafe